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The Club

1.1.      The name of the Club is “Arches Badminton Club”.

1.1.      The aim of the Club is to encourage and foster the game of badminton.

1.2.      The objectives of the Club are:

1.2.1.        To provide the opportunity for its members to participate in the game of badminton;

1.2.2.        To provide appropriate league membership status for members;

1.2.3.        To balance the social and competitive aspects of the game;

1.2.4.        To improve individual standards of play.

2.          Membership

2.1.      In accepting membership, a person agrees to abide by the Constitution of the Club and the rulings of the Committee.

2.2.      All members should be of a reasonable standard of play.

2.3.      All members have full playing and voting rights.

2.4.      The Chairman, after consultation with the other Officers and relevant Team Captains, will decide whether to accept individuals into membership of the Club.

2.5.      Membership will be to a maximum level determined by the Committee.

3.          Officers

3.1.      The Officers shall be the Club Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

3.2.      All Officers shall be elected for a one-year term at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  All Officers shall be eligible for re-election.

4.          Committee

4.1.      The Club’s affairs are governed by a Committee consisting of all the Officers.

4.2.      If a Committee decision needs to be put to the vote, every Officer shall have one vote.  In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.

4.3.      The Treasurer shall keep accounts showing all transactions and financial affairs of the Club.

4.4.      The Secretary shall be responsible for all Club matters of a general administrative nature including notification of meetings and shall be responsible for the keeping of continuous records that are to be passed on in the event of a change in the post.

5.          Team captains and selection committee

5.1.      Club members elect a selection committee.

5.2.      The selection committee appoints the team captains.

5.3.      The selection committee selects only those teams that need to be nominated to the league.

6.          Annual General Meeting (AGM)

6.1.      An AGM shall be held each year in May or June.

6.2.      The agenda shall consist of the following items:

6.2.1.        Apologies for absence

6.2.2.        Minutes of last AGM

6.2.3.        Matters arising

6.2.4.        Report on past season by Chairman

6.2.5.        Report on accounts by Treasurer

6.2.6.        Reports on past season by Team Captains

6.2.7.        Proposed programme for next season

6.2.8.        Fees for next season

6.2.9.        Election of Officers and selection committee for next season

6.2.10.     Any other business.

7.          Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

7.1.      An EGM may be called by the Committee.

7.2.      An EGM must be called within 14 days if a written request signed by one quarter of the club membership is received.

8.          Fees

8.1.      The club is a non profit making organisation.  The purpose of fees is to cover the anticipated expenditure for the coming year, taking into account any credit or debit from the preceding year.

8.2.      The amount and structure of fees (including membership fees, visitor fees, match fees etc.) shall be agreed at the AGM.

8.3.      The Secretary will issue a document to all members laying out the fees and due dates.

8.4.      Any member who has not paid their fees by the due date will be given a warning.  If the same member has overdue fees again they will be asked to leave the club.

8.5.      In the event of it being necessary to increase fees during the season an EGM shall be called.

9.          Alterations to this constitution

9.1.      Alterations to this constitution can be made at the AGM and any EGMs provided the proposals are notified in advance.

9.2.      Alterations to the constitution require two thirds of the club members to be present and voting to be in favour.

10.       Club rules

10.1.   The Committee shall have the power to make rules governing the conduct of the club.  Such rules shall be binding on membership and all members must be made aware of any changes.

10.2.   Anyone representing the Club in competition must be a member of the Club.

  1. 10.3.   The Club and all its members will follow the rules of the Welsh Badminton Union.

Updated 15 February 2025

Website built in 2021 by Arches Badminton

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