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Fees 2024-2025 (seniors)

Membership fee 

The membership year runs from 1st September.

We operate an annual membership, which means that once you have committed to join the club you are required to pay the full membership fee. We allow payment of the fee in instalments (see below). We ask you to pay the first instalment in advance, to enable the team selection process to start in August.

The total membership fee for the year is £330, paid in ten instalments of £33 on 1st of August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May

Permission to make changes to your payments must be requested from the club committee in advance. Changes will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.

Benefits of membership

Members may attend club nights. These are normally held twice a week throughout the year.

Members are eligible for selection to play for club teams in the league and cup competitions.

Members may vote at the club’s annual general meeting.

Members are registered with Badminton Wales.

Membership fee reductions

You may opt to pay a reduced fee if you are in one of the following categories.* 

  • Couples who do not normally attend club nights together can opt to pay £66 on 1st August and 1st September and £33 on 1st October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May.  This allows one of you to play. You pay an extra £7 each time you both play.

  • Members who are students in full time education pay half fees - a total of £165 if you are a student for the whole year.

  • Members who are unemployed (eligible to claim Job Seekers Allowance) pay half fees - a total of £165 if you are unemployed for the whole year.

New members and visitors

Members joining during the year pay an initial pro rata fee and then £33 on the 1st of every month after that.

Visitors pay £7 a night. During the match season (October-April), visits are usually restricted to players thinking of joining the club.

Match fee

If you are in a club team, you pay £5 each time you play in a match.

Team captains are responsible for collecting match fees and handing these to the Treasurer or making a bank transfer to the club account. Match players should not transfer individual match fees to the club account.


We prefer you to pay by standing order or bank transfer. Use the following account details and include your name as a reference:

Sort Code: 30-96-91

Business account number: 00327089

Bank: Lloyds Bank plc

Account name: Arches Badminton Club

You can also pay by cash or cheque - please give to the Treasurer or another Committee member. Make cheques payable to Arches Badminton Club.


*The Committee will keep this under review to ensure a fair balance between members paying full and reduced fees.  If your status changes during the year, the fee will be adjusted accordingly.

Updated 15 February 2025

Website built in 2021 by Arches Badminton

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